The Decimation series takes place in a world where everybody has been infected by a deadly virus. The organism remains inactive until a woman gives birth. Then it activates and kills the host.

So, why did I name it the Orestes virus?
It’s been a while since the publication of Decimation, but finally, I’m pleased to announce that a sequel is on the way – and hopefully a third book too.
The story picks up three years after the events of Decimation. Here’s a first draft of the blurb:
Antimone Lessing returns in the second book of the ground-breaking Decimation trilogy.
Nearly twenty years after the Orestes virus swept across the earth, finally there is hope. Women are no longer dying within seconds of giving birth. For the first time in two decades, the global population is on an upward trend.
As the world returns to normal, Antimone is back on the athletics track and a single race away from achieving her lifetime goal of winning the Olympic 1500-metre Wheelchair gold medal.
But a deadly new threat has emerged, one that could reverse the fragile recovery and spell the end of humanity’s time on the planet. Could Antimone’s unique biology once again provide the vital clue in developing a cure?
When the details of her past become exposed, ruthless forces prepare an audacious plan to kidnap the first woman in a generation to survive childbirth. Now, the only hope for her survival and that of her young family may rest with the same scientist responsible for creating the Orestes pandemic.
I’m expecting a release during late autumn. If you are interested in reading this sequel, please sign up to my mail list to receive news and special offers.
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